Do Pakistani people watch porn?

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 I am a Pakistani guy and many Pakistani guys I know I think watch porn.

I started watching porn around 13 years of age occasionally and completely stopped this year at around 17, I don't watch it anymore because I have always had the feeling that it's boring and much more energy consuming than other tasks, it does kick your hormones but it's not worth the time and also a sort of utopian world thing that takes you out of reality, so not a good habit to develop. As per my information, Pakistanis top the list and watch a lot of pornography and I think it stems from repressing our generation sexually and not letting men and women communicate with each other, especially the younger teens. It's like, once you have a serious relationship or a serious convo with an opposite gendered person, all the tension is released, but hype and god forbids them. Pakistanis and Asians overall do have a habit of complicating social situations like some Arabian people and it's not really good for the country overall, ha, we have already seen the results much since the birth of the country, because when there is no solid social structure or hierarchy or foundation for a nation, the nation can't stand well on there feet.
